Interviews may be sought with the Principal and members of the teaching staff by making an appointment to ensure availability. When booking, please outline the issue so that relevant information may be gathered for the interview.
The Principal is available to discuss major issues. Generally, other personnel may deal with your enquiries.
The Deputy Principals will be able to deal with enquiries that relate to the specific year levels they manage.
The Year Level Coordinators are responsible for student management, behavioural support and the welfare of students. They are available to discuss issues of concern. General enquiries should be directed to one of the Year Level Coordinators in the first instance.
Heads of Departments have specific whole‐school responsibilities for providing and implementing programs that deliver quality outcomes for every student. Their responsibilities lie in the areas of curriculum, assessment and student management, and targeted behavioural support.
7 | Anna Pateman
| Carolyn Stuart |
8 | Jenna Andreatta
| Deepak Prasad
| Michelle Bate
| Catherine Kerlin
| Olivia Nelson
| Alison Bishop
| Alice Passlow
| Julie Chapman
Subject Area Coordinators are responsible for the course of study provided in each of the subjects in their department. They plan programs of work, manage the setting of assessment and supervise the work of teachers in their respective departments.
Teachers are responsible for the classroom programs being taught to your child. You should be aware of your child's teachers and take every opportunity to get to know them. Concerns regarding your child's performance, etc. would be best discussed with the classroom teacher.
The Business Manager should be consulted regarding the payment of money to the school and any financial queries.